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Matthew Ko - Sr. LCHS



Hi! My name is Matthew Ko and I have been a part of the Lexington Catholic Inventeam since my sophomore year. I have always been interested in math and science in school so naturally I would be looking into projects and clubs such as Inventeam. The love for technology has also helped drive me toward this team. I am quite the aficionado when it comes to the latest phones or computers, knowing the latest and greatest devices and their respected specs. Inventeam initially got me excited to work with different technology in a real life project helping real life people.





All year, I competitively play tennis. In the spring, I play varsity for our school’s team and through the summer and fall, I also participate in different Kentucky junior tournaments. After playing many sports such as swimming and soccer and a young age, I decided to concentrate on tennis because I enjoyed it much more than the other sports. I am glad I did because now I have a sport I can enjoy and share for the rest of my life.



In my free time, I also like photography. Taking pictures has been a hobby of mine for a long time and it always pleases me to get the perfect shot that captures the feeling of the view.


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